Jacek Wesołowski
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The eigenproblem solution of the multi-domain efficient allocation is identified as a direct generalization of the classical Neyman-Tchuprov optimal allocation in stratified SRSWOR. This is achieved through analysis of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a suitable population-based matrix D. Such a solution is an analytical companion to NLP approaches, which are often used in applications, see, e.g. Choudhry, Rao and Hidiroglou (2012). In this paper we are interested rather in the structure of the optimal allocation vector and relative variance than in such purely numerical tools (although the eigenproblem solution provides also numerical solutions, see, e.g. Wesołowski and Wieczorkowski (2017)). The domain-wise optimal allocation and the respective optimal variance of the estimator are determined by the unique direction (defined in terms of the positive eigenvector of matrix D) in the space I , where I is the number of domains in the population.


Neyman-Tchuprov allocation, multi-domain allocation, eigenproblem, stratified SRSWOR


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