Ramajeyam Tharshan https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6112-2517 , Pushpakanthie Wijekoon https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4242-1017

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In recent years, modifications of the classical Lindley distribution have been considered by many authors. In this paper, we introduce a new generalization of the Lindley distribution based on a mixture of exponential and gamma distributions with different mixing proportions and compare its performance with its sub-models. The new distribution accommodates the classical Lindley, Quasi Lindley, Two-parameter Lindley, Shanker, Lindley distribution with location parameter, and Three-parameter Lindley distributions as special cases. Various structural properties of the new distribution are discussed and the size-biased and the lengthbiased are derived. A simulation study is conducted to examine the mean square error for the parameters by means of the method of maximum likelihood. Finally, simulation studies and some real-world data sets are used to illustrate its flexibility in terms of its location, scale and shape parameters.


Lindley distribution, mixture distributions, size-biased distributions, maximum likelihood estimation


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