Oleksandr H. Osaulenko https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7100-7176 , Taisiia Bondaruk https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9410-6428 , Liudmyla Momotiuk https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0445-5948

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The paper presents the theoretical and methodological foundations of Ukraine’s state legislation regulating the economic development of territories, in the context of budget decentralization. The study also describes the transformation of the public administration system necessitated by the above-mentioned phenomenon. The authors discuss the basic methods by which the state can regulate the activity of local self-government bodies: the legislative regulation, where the intervention of public authorities is minimized, and the administrative regulation, which provides rules and instructions which determine the relations between central and local authorities. The authors conduct and describe a methodologically consistent, systematic analysis of state regulations which support the local self-governments’ activity. The paper also discusses the recent economic changes in Ukraine which demonstrate that the reform of the local self-government system and the decentralization of authority entail both prospects and problems for the country's development. As might be expected, the authors focus particularly on those problems that have not been solved yet. Additionally, statistical estimations of the phenomena relating to the process of producing state legislation regulating the economic development of territories in the context of budgetary decentralization have been provided. The authors conclude that a successful territorial development strategy requires a joint transformation of the way of the society’s thinking and the modernisation of both the Ukrainian business and the state.


state regulation, budgetary decentralization, local self-government, local budget, economic development of territories


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