Devireddy Charana Udaya Sivakumar , Rosaiah Kanaparthi , Gadde Srinivasa Rao , Kruthiventi Kalyani

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In this manuscript, a group acceptance sampling plan (GASP) is developed when the lifetime of the items follows odd generalized exponential log-logistic distribution (OGELLD), the multiple number of items as a group can be tested simultaneously in a tester. The design parameters such as the minimum group size and the acceptance number are derived when the consumer’s risk and the test termination time are specified. The operating characteristic (OC) function values are calculated (intended) according to various quality levels and the minimum ratios of the true average life to the specified average life at the specified producer’s risk are derived. The methodology is illustrated through real data.


odd generalized exponential log-logistic distribution, group acceptance sampling plan, truncated life test


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