Dominika Marta Urbańczyk , Joanna Małgorzata Landmesser

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In this paper, we compare the income distributions for women and men in Poland. The gender wage gap can only be partially explained by different men’s and women’s characteristics. The unexplained part of the gap is usually attributed to the wage discrimination. The objective of the study is to extend the OaxacaBlinder decomposition procedure for the pay gap along the whole income distribution. To describe differences between two distributions of incomes we use a semiparametric reweighting approach (DiNardo, Fortin, Lemieux, 1996). The reweighting factor is computed for each observation by estimating a logit model for probabilities of belonging to men’s or women’s group. Then, we estimate probability density functions, including the counterfactual density function, using kernel density methods. This allows us to decompose the inequalities into the explained and unexplained components. The analysis is based on the EU-SILC data for Poland in 2014.


gender wage gap, differences in distributions, decomposition methods.


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