Urszula Ala-Karvia , Marta Hozer-Koćmiel , Sandra Misiak-Kwit , Barbara Staszko

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This paper presents a comparative analysis of the household structure and its dynamics between post-economic-transformation Poland and Scandinavian welfare-state Finland, with a focus on one-person households (OPH). Based on the literature, two research hypotheses were formulated: (H1) strong differences in the household structure in Finland and Poland still occur, and (H2) the share of one-person households is at very different levels in the two countries. However, due to the globally growing popularity of solo living, the difference is diminishing. Finally, an estimate was made for the time when the shares of one-person households will be equal in both countries if the changing trends from 2005–2015 stay the same. The first research hypothesis was proven to be correct. Small, one- or two-person households dominate the household structure in Finland, while in Poland the household structure by size was considerably more balanced. The second hypothesis was confirmed only partially. The share of OPH among all the households in 2015 was significantly larger in Finland (42%) than in Poland (24%). However, the difference between the countries was not diminishing. The share in Finland is increasing, while it is decreasing in Poland. This allowed the assumption that if the changing trends from the studied period are maintained, the shares of OPH in the two countries will not equalize, but will instead grow further apart. An estimate was made that in 2030 46% of Finnish households and 22% of Polish households will be one-person households.


household structure, people living alone, one-person households, comparative analyses and forecast.


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