Kamlesh Kumar Shukla , Rama Shanker

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A study on two-parameter power Ishita distribution (PID), of which Ishita distribution introduced by Shanker and Shukla (2017 a) is a special case, has been carried out and its important statistical properties including shapes of the density, moments, skewness and kurtosis measures, hazard rate function, and stochastic ordering have been discussed. The maximum likelihood estimation has been discussed for estimating its parameters. An application of the distribution has been explained with a real lifetime data from engineering, and its goodness of fit shows better fit over two-parameter power Akash distribution (PAD), twoparameter power Lindley distribution (PLD) and one-parameter Ishita, Akash, Lindley and exponential distributions.


Ishita distribution, moments, hazard rate function, stochastic ordering, maximum likelihood estimation, goodness of fit.


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