Mansoor Rashid Malik , Devendra Kumar

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In this paper, we establish some new recurrence relations for the single and product moments of progressively Type-II right censored order statistics from the Erlangtruncated exponential distribution. These relations generalize those established by Aggarwala and Balakrishnan (1996) for standard exponential distribution. These recurrence relations enable computation of mean, variances and covariances of all progressively Type-II right censored order statistics for all sample sizes in a simple and efficient manner. Further an algorithm is discussed which enable us to compute all the means, variances and covariances of Erlang-truncated exponential progressive Type-II right censored order statistics for all sample sizes n and all censoring schemes (R1, R2,..., Rm), m < n. By using these relations, we tabulate the means and variances of progressively Type-II right censored order statistics of the Erlangtruncated exponential distribution


Censoring, progressive Type-II right censored order statistics, single moments, product moments, recurrence relations, Erlang-truncated exponential distribution.


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