Piyush Kant Rai , Sarla Pareek , Hemlata Joshi

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Nowadays, Family Planning has become the basic human right, which is closely linked to the empowerment of women and perhaps it is the only treatment that can avert many serious issues, which are an impediment in the advancement of the country like maternal mortality, infant mortality and can exert out the families from poverty and stabilize population growth etc. Increasing use of family planning can be helpful in the reduction of unmet need for family planning by which a substantial proportion of unwanted births ends in childbirths, and which are related to deaths and injuries for both mother and child. Due to lack of availability of reliable data at the small level (area-wise) specifically in developing countries like India. In this article the small area estimation technique is used for the estimation of met and unmet need for contraception for 187 towns of Rajasthan state of India and for empirical analysis. Data is taken from the District Level Household Survey (DLHS): 2002-04 and the Census 2001 of India


contraceptive use, met and unmet need for family planning, smallarea estimation, logit-link function, district level household survey, census of India.


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