Marta Dziechciarz–Duda , Józef Dziechciarz

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The Ministry of Science and Higher Education has launched the Competency Development Programme in the form of additional financial means for activities to equip students with unique, the so-called soft skills necessary in scientific careers and on the labour market. Courses developing skills such as team work ability, leadership, creativity, independent thinking and innovative approach to problem solving will be financed. For that purpose, a thorough analysis of needs is necessary. Existing databases describing the quality of human capital in Poland should be analysed in order to identify those competencies that graduates of universities are missing. The arsenal of possible statistical tools applicable for that purpose covers a wide range of techniques, from the simplest methods of descriptive statistics to advanced multivariate statistical analysis. The study will attempt to identify the missing soft competences based on existing statistical data, e.g. Polish human capital database.


soft competencies, human capital, statistical methods.


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