Muhammad Shuaib Khan , Robert King , Irene Lena Hudson

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The Kumaraswamy distribution is the most widely applied statistical distribution in hydrological problems and many natural phenomena. We propose a generalization of the Kumaraswamy distribution referred to as the transmuted Kumaraswamy (TKw) distribution. The new transmuted distribution is developed using the quadratic rank transmutation map studied by Shaw et al. (2009). A comprehensive account of the mathematical properties of the new distribution is provided. Explicit expressions are derived for the moments, moment generating function, entropy, mean deviation, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, and formulated moments for order statistics. The TKw distribution parameters are estimated by using the method of maximum likelihood. Monte Carlo simulation is performed in order to investigate the performance of MLEs. The flood data and HIV/ AIDS data applications illustrate the usefulness of the proposed model.


Kumaraswamy distribution, moments, order statistics, parameter estimation, maximum likelihood estimation.


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