Elżbieta Gołata

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The aim of the paper is to present some experiences in teaching Small Area Estimation (SAE). SAE education experiences and challenges are analysed from the academic side and from the NSI side. An attempt was undertaken to discuss SAE issues in a wider perspective of teaching statistics. In particular, the topics refer to Polish conditions, but they are presented against the background of selected international experiences and practices. Information comes from a special inquiry - a survey conducted among employees of statistical offices and academics from universities involved in SAE research. A further issue is inclusion of SAE in the EMOS project (European Master in Official Statistics). The survey is extended with information collected by monitoring of trainings and projects organized by the leading centres dealing with SAE. The results obtained are related to a similar survey within Eurostat project: ESSnet on Small Area Estimation, which was conducted in 2010. The study includes interest in learning and the need to implement SAE methodology, a range of subjects taught as well as a range of applications, forms of training, type of courses, software used and teaching methods. In particular, it intends to answer how strong the interest in small area estimation is, what the demand for practical and theoretical knowledge in the field is and what the recommendations for universities and statistical institutes are.


Small Area Estimation, statistical education.


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