Zhanjun Xing , Xiaxia Qu

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Sampling from three wealthy counties in Shandong province (n = 855), this research examined the characteristics of an output well-being index, and the index shows good internal consistency reliability and ideal construct validity. It could be used as an instrument to evaluate the quality of life of Chinese citizens. The index was applied to an analysis of the quality of life of the residents from three wealthy counties. It shows that the level of the quality of life of the rural residents is higher than that of the urban residents, but the level of some indicators is imbalanced, and the levels of subjective and objective indicators are consistent. These characteristics of the well-being index of the rural residents from the wealthy counties are closely related with the level of the local economy and social development. It is advised that the output well-being index could be used to evaluate the degree of citizen’s need that was met and the degree of human being’s all-over development that was realized. It could also be used as an important policy instrument for the policy makers’ good governance.


well-being index, output index, quality of life.


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