Łukasz Feldman , Radosław Pietrzyk , Paweł Rokita

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This article proposes a technique of facilitating life-long financial planning for a household by finding the optimal match between systematic investment products and multiple financial goals of different realization terms and magnitudes. This is a multi-criteria optimization. One of the objectives is compliance between the expected term structure of cumulated net cash flow throughout the life cycle of the household with its life-length risk aversion and bequest motive. The second is financial liquidity in all periods under expected values of all stochastic factors. The third is minimization of net cash flow volatility. The fourth is minimization of costs of the investment plan combination. The result is a set of systematic-investment programs with accompanying information which programs are destined to cover which financial goal. Payoffs of one program may be used to cover more than one goal and the order may be other than sequential. An original goal function, constructed to suit conditions and assumptions of the proposed household financial plan model, is presented as an optimization procedure


multiobjective optimization, personal finance, asset selection, intertemporal choice


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