Henryk Gurgul , Marcin Suder

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This paper addresses the crucial problem of the ATM’s network management which is so-called the saturation level of withdrawals. This notion refers to mean level of withdrawals after dropping particular withdrawals realized in the initial time period, (i.e. time period after activation of ATM) and the length of elapsing time period necessary to reach saturation level. One can observe that the level of withdrawals and their number stabilize as time elapses. The paper aims to define average withdrawals after achieving saturation level and mean time necessary to stabilize withdrawals (based on historical data). In addition, we established that – under condition of similarity in terms of location and date of start - ATMs exhibit similar characteristics of the development effects. This allows us for predicting the size of time necessary to achieve saturation and the average withdrawal in the state of saturation.


ATM, withdrawals, saturation level


C49, C53


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