G.C. Tikkiwal , Alka Khandelwal

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For any country advance and final estimates of yield of principle crops, at National and State levels, are of great importance for its macro level planning. But, for decentralized planning and for other purposes like crop insurance, loan to farmers, etc., the reliable estimates of crop production for small domains are also in great demand. This paper, therefore, discusses and review critically the methodology used to provide crop acreage and crop production estimates for small domains, based on indirect methods of estimation, including the SICURE model approach. The indirect methods of estimation so developed use data obtained either through traditional surveys, like General Crop Estimation Surveys (GCES) data, or a combination of the surveys and satellite data.


Timely Reporting Scheme (TRS); General Crop Estimation Surveys (GCES); Simulation-cum- Regression (SICURE) model.


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