Irina Zbarskaya

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Breakdown of the Soviet Union has clearly revealed insufficiency and in many directions even unsuitability of the existing for many years system of economic and statistical information for assessment of radical changes taking place in economy and social life. Serious reconstruction was needed of the existing fundamentals of primary accounting and statistics by means of reforming common methodological and organizational basis of statistics itself, as well as adjusting it in accordance with international rules and standards.
First of all, a serious step in the movement “towards the west” was the support proposed by The European Union in the field of transmission of “know-how” through the TACIS Program - Program of technical assistance to the CIS countries.
The Program has covered a wide range of directions: reforming of the system of government administration; restructuring of public enterprises and development of private sector, finances and banking sector, development of transport and communication infrastructure, energy sector, creation of efficient production system, etc. But statistics were not forgotten. In the total TACIS budget its share is rather low, not more than 0.2%. However, statistical projects play a special role in the creation of a new information infrastructure and promotion of the efficient exchange of data.
Cooperation with the EU within the framework of the TACIS Program has played and important role in the development of statistics in the CIS countries. However, it should be emphasized that for the development of the statistical potential of these countries it is also very important to interact with statistical services of other leading international organizations, first of all, with UNECE, OECD, IMF, the World Bank, ILO and other.
The solution of the tasks faced by statisticians of the Commonwealth countries was promoted and will be promoted by the discussion of urgent problems at the Conference of European Statisticians, active cooperation with statistical organizations of the region. br/ Big role in building up national statistics was played by the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which at the first stage of CIS existence CIS-STAT became the main moderator of international standards introduction. Today CIS-STAT faces new challenges. First of all, this is methodological unification of different large-scale statistical works.
All the measures taken have enabled the creation and development of the interstate statistical system of the Commonwealth, although not everything took place in favorable conditions. Many national statistical services face serious financial difficulties constantly and for that reason they lag behind in technical equipment and other supplies, can not keep qualified personnel and have to reduce statistical activities. Some national statistical services are forced to give up conduct of a number of important statistical works

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