Muhammad Nadeem , Khadija Noreen , M. Kashif Rasheed , Rashid Ahmed , Mahmood Ul Hassan

© Muhammad Nadeem, Khadija Noreen, H. M. Kashif Rasheed, Rashid Ahmed, Mahmood Ul Hassan. Article available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence


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Minimal neighbour designs (NDs) are used when a response of a treatment (direct effect) is affected by the treatment(s) applied in the neighbouring units. Minimal generalised NDs are preferred when minimal NDs cannot be constructed. Through the method of cyclic shifts (Rule I), the conditions for the existence of minimal circular generalised NDs are discussed, in which v/2 unordered pairs do not appear as neighbours. Certain generators are also developed to obtain minimal circular generalised NDs in blocks of two different sizes, where k2 = 3, 4 and 5. All these designs are constructed using i sets of shifts for k1 and two for k2.


direct effects, neighbour effects, method of cyclic shifts, generalised NDs, GN2-designs.


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