Svitlana Chugaievska , Grażyna Dehnel , Andrey Targonskii

© S. Chugaievska, G. Dehnel, A. Targonskii. Article available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence


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The latest National Population Census in Poland, like in many EU countries, was conducted in 2021. In Ukraine, during the entire period of independence, a national census was conducted only once, in 2001, while the following rounds kept being postponed. In 2019, a trial census was conducted in several regions of central Ukraine. The working hypothesis is that for the organisation and conduct of the All-Ukrainian Population Census in Ukraine, it is important to use the experience of EU countries in this field (and Poland’s experience in particular). The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical foundations and comparative analysis of the processes of conducting censuses in Poland and Ukraine and to study the factors of increasing the level of respondent participation. The article reviews a number of socio-economic factors in the light of the comparison of data census organisation in Poland and Ukraine. Several international indicators were investigated that could have an impact on respondent participation in statistical surveys and censuses. By applying factor analysis, it was possible to identify the factors that could increase the level of respondent participation. To solve these demographic challenges, the following activity should be considered: financial support for the successful functioning of economic entities, improvement of social infrastructure, friendly environment for innovation and investment, and peace and political stability in Ukraine.


national census, trial census, international comparisons, multifactorial statistical analysis of the civic activity level.


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