Manish Mohan Baral , Venkataiah Chittipaka , Surya Kant Pal Pal 8701-2095 , Subhodeep Mukherjee , Hari Shankar Shyam

© Manish Mohan Baral, Venkataiah Chittipaka, Surya Kant Pal, Subhodeep Mukherjee, Hari Shankar Shyam. Article available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence


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In history, the food sector has remained the most vulnerable and is accountable for many crises and food scandals, so to avoid this in the near future, it is essential to have better control over the flow of products and the usage of blockchain technology can achieve this control in the supply chain, which can add trust, transparency, and traceability in the entire system. This paper investigates the factors affecting blockchain adoption in the food retail supply chain and creates awareness among retail managers for its adoption in their operations. A structured literature review is performed to identify the factors and a TOE framework is adopted for the research. Factors of technology, organization and environment are taken as independent variables; the intention to adopt the technology is taken as a mediating variable and blockchain adoption is considered a dependent variable. The findings contributed that TOE factors contribute to blockchain adoption by keeping the intention to adopt the technology as a mediating variable.


trust, transparency, traceability, blockchain, TOE framework


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