Achille Vernizzi

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Gini and concentration indexes are well known useful tools in analysing redistribution and re-ranking effects of taxes with respect to a population of income earners. There are several attempts in the literature to decompose Gini and re-ranking indices to analyse potential redistribution effects and the unfairness of a tax systems, including ones that consider contiguous income groups being created by dividing the pre-tax income parade according to the same bandwidth. However, earners may be very often split into groups characterized by social and demographic aspects or by other characteristics: in these circumstances groups can easily overlap. In this paper we consider a more general situation that takes into account overlapping among groups; we obtain matrix compact forms for Gini and concentration indexes, and consequently, for redistribution and re-ranking indexes. In deriving formulae the so called matrix Hadamard product is extensively used. Matrix algebra allows to write indexes aligning incomes in a non decreasing order either with respect to post-tax income or to pre-tax incomes. Moreover, matrix compact formulae allow an original discussion for the signs of the within group, across group, between and transvariation components into which the Atkinson-Plotnick-Kakwany reranking index can split.


Gini and concentration indexes decompositions, Tax redistributive effects, Tax re-ranking effects, Hadamard product.


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