Pulakesh Maiti

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The importance of nonsample or measurement errors has long been recognized. [for numerous references see e.g., the comprehensive papers by Mahalanobis (1946), Hansen et.al. (1961), Bailar and Dalenius (1970), Dalenius (1974)]. Attempts have been made for estimating components due to nonsampling errors. The work in this area starts developing surveys, specifically designed to incorporate features which can facilitate the estimation of non sampling components such as reinterviews and/or interpenetrating samples. However most of the survey designs so far developed, though few, are very complex in nature [Fellegi (1964, 1974), Biemen et al. (1985), Folsom(1980), Nelson(1974)]. Here, a very simple survey design as well as a simple estimation procedure have been developed for the purpose of estimating simple as well as correlated response variances, namely interviewer variance and superviser variance.


Simple Response Variance, Correlated response variance, Measurement error.


BAILAR, BARBARA A. and TORE DALENIUS (1969): Estimating the Response Variance Components of the U.S. Bureau of the Census Survey Model, Sankhya , 31B, 341–360.

BIEMER, PAUL P. and S. LYNNE STokes (1985): Optimal Design of Interviewer Variance Experiments in Complex Surveys, JASA, 80, 158–166.

CHAI, JOHN J (1971): Correlated measurement errors and the least Square Estimators of the Regression Coefficient, JASA, 66, 478–483.

DALENIUS TORE (1974): The Ends and Means of Total Survey Design. Stockholm: The University of Stockholm.

FELLEGI, IVAN P. (1964): Response variation and estimation, JASA, 59, 1016– 1041.

-------------------- (1974): An Improved method of Estimating the Correlated Response Variance, JASA, 69, 496–501.

FOLSOM, RALPH E. Jr. (1980): U-Statistics estimation of Variance Components for unequal probability samples with non additive Interviewer and response errors, American Statistical Association 1980 proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, 137–142.

HANSEN, MORRIS H. WILLIAM N. HURWITZ, ETES. MARKS, and W. PARKER MAULDIN (1951): Response Errors in Survey, JASA, 46, 147– 190.

----------------------------- and MAX A. BERSHAD (1961): Measurement Errors in

Censuses and Surveys, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 38,


HANSEN, MORRIS H, WILLIAM N. HURWITZ and LEAN PRITZKER(1964): The Estimation and Interpretation of Gross differences and the simpleresponse variance: In C. R. Rao with D.B. Lahiri, K.R. Nair, P. Pant and S.S.Shrikhande eds. Contributions to Statistics Presented to Professor P.C.Mahalanobis on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, Oxford, England:Pergamen Calcutta Statistical Publishing society, 111–136.

HARTLEY, H.O. and RAO, J.N.K. (1978): The Estimation of Non sampling Variance Components in Sample Surveys, N. Krishnan Namboodiri, ed., Survey Sampling and Measurement, New York; Academic.

JABINE, J.B. and B.J. TEPPING (1973): Controlling the quality of occupation and industry data, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 45 (3), 36–389.

KOOP, J.C. (1974): Notes for a unified theory of Estimation for Sample Surveys taking into account Response Errors, Metrika 21, 19–39.

KOCH GORY G. (1973): An alternative Approach to Multivariate Response Error Models for Sample Survey Data with Applications to estimators involving Subclass Means, JASA, 68, 906 – 913.

LESSLER, JUDITH T. and KALSBEEK, WILLIAM, D. (1992): Non sampling Errors in Surveys. John Wiley and Sons. Inc.

MAHALANOBIS, P.C. (1946): Recent Experiments in Statistical Sampling in the Indian Statistical Institute, JRSS, 109, 327–328.

NATHAN, GAD (1973): Response Errors Based on Different Samples, Sankhya , 35 A, 205–220.

NELSON, FORREST D. (1977): Censored Regression Models with unobserved Stochastic Censoring Thresholds, Journal of Econometrics, 6, 581–592.

RAGHAVA RAO, D. (1971): Constructions and Combinatorial Problems in Design of Experiments. John Wiley and Sons. Inc.

RAJ DES (1956): Some Estimators in sampling with varying probabilities without replacement, JASA, 51, 269–284.

RAJ DES (1968): Sampling Theory, New York: Mc Graw Hill.

SUKHATME, PANDURANG VASUDEO and G.R. SETH (1952): Non sampling Errors in Surveys, Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 4, 5–41.

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