Iman Makhdoom , Abbas Pak

© Iman Makhdoom, Abbas Pak. Article available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence


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There are always two major sources of uncertainty in measurements related to lifetime surveys: variation among the observations and imprecision of individual observation called fuzziness. The typical statistical analysis is based on variation among the observations and does not consider the imprecision due to individual observation. However, ignoring the imprecision of individual observations may cause losing information and getting misleading results. It is mandatory to analyse such data, to extend the real numbers classically and Bayesian estimation methods to fuzzy numbers. Inference on the Burr-type (BT) XII model, based on precise measurements, is carried out by researchers, yet the problem of estimating parameters, in the presence of fuzzy data, remains unresolved. We are estimating the BT XII distribution parameters and their corresponding reliability when the available data are in the fuzzy numbers. The maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), the Bayesian method and the method of moments are used for estimating parameters. Finally, these estimators are compared via a Monte-Carlo simulation study.


Bayesian estimation, Burr-type XII distribution, Maximum likelihood estimates, Markov chain Monte Carlo, EM algorithm, Fuzzy data analysis


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