Kamila Hasilová https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1540-3489 , Ivana Horová , David Vališ , Stanislav Zámecník

© K. Hasilová, I. Horová, D. Vališ, S. Zámeˇcník. Article available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence


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Kernel density estimation of circular data has recently received considerable attention for its ability to model and analyse distributions on unit circles and other periodic domains. Our aim is to contribute to the literature on data-driven bandwidth selectors in circular kernel density estimation. We propose a novel circular-specific method that is based on a crossvalidation procedure with a von Mises density used as a kernel function. Using simulated data as well as real-world circular datasets, we evaluate and validate the proposed method and compare it with the existing methods.


circular data, kernel density estimation, von Mises density, cross-validation method.


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