Włodzimierz Okrasa
From the Editor
Partha Lahiri
Submission information for Authors
Abstracting and Indexing Databases
Malay Ghosh
Small area estimation: its evolution in five decades
Julie Gershunskaya
Discussion of “Small area estimation: its evolution in five decades”, by Malay Ghosh
Ying Han
Discussion of “Small area estimation: its evolution
in five decades”, by Malay Ghosh
Yan Li
Discussion of “Small area estimation: its evolution
in five decades”, by Malay Ghosh
Isabel Molina
Discussion of “Small area estimation: its evolution
in five decades”, by Malay Ghosh
David Newhouse
Discussion of “Small area estimation: its evolution
in five decades”, by Malay Ghosh
Danny Pfeffermann
Discussion of “Small area estimation: its evolution
in five decades”, by Malay Ghosh
J. N. K. Rao
Discussion of “Small Area Estimation: Its Evolution
in Five Decades”, by Malay Ghosh
Malay Ghosh
Song Cai, J. N. K. Rao, Laura Dumitrescu, Golshid Chatrchi
Effective transformation-based variable selection under
two-fold subarea models in small area estimation
André Felipe Azevedo Neves, Denise Britz do Nascimento Silva,
Fernando Antônio da Silva Moura
Skew normal small area time models for the Brazilian
annual service sector survey
Loredana Di Consiglio, Tiziana Tuoto
A comparison of area level and unit level small area
models in the presence of linkage errors
Sabyasachi Bera, Snigdhansu Chatterjee
High dimensional, robust, unsupervised
record linkage
Takumi Saegusa
Confidence bands for a distribution function with
merged data from multiple sources
Xuze Zhang, Saumyadipta Pyne, Benjamin Kedem
Model selection in radon data fusion
Daniel Bonnéry, Yang Cheng, Partha Lahiri
An evaluation of design-based properties
of different composite estimators
Jan Pablo Burgard, Hanna Dieckmann, Joscha Krause, Hariolf
Merkle, Ralf Münnich, Kristina M. Neufang, Simon Schmaus
A generic business process model for conducting
microsimulation studies
M. Jahangir Alam, Benoit Dostie, Jörg Drechsler, Lars Vilhuber
Applying data synthesis for longitudinal business data
across three countries
Partha Lahiri, Jiraphan Suntornchost
A general Bayesian approach to meet different
inferential goals in poverty research for small areas